Natalia Jornet

Monday, August 15, 2011

Toms shoes

Fashion and Humanitarianism

Let me start this Post by saying that everyone in here wear Toms.
My son Santiago is a big fan.He was so excited when he got his first pair of  red TOMS on the mail .
When I saw the box, the first thing I asked him was if the shoes came from Argentina.
 The logo of the brand was pretty much like the flag of my country "Argentina"and when I saw the shoes, were like an alpargatas (a traditional Argentine shoe that farmers have worm for more than 100 years).
The cool part of this is the company gave a new pair of shoes to a child in need.What a wonderful way to feel good about a purchase and help others!

Voy a comenzar contandoles que aca en USA. los zapatos TOMS son muy populares.
Mi hijo Santiago es un gran fanatico de estos zapatos.Se puso muy feliz hace unas semanas cuando el cartero le trajo sus rojos zapatos TOMS.
Cuando vi la caja lo primero que le pregunte fue si los zapatos los hacian en Argentina ,ya que el logo de la marca es muy similar a la bandera de este querido pais.
Luego cuando saco los zapatos de la caja,vi que eran las tipicas alpargatas Argentinas.
Asi que,la excitacion de mi hijo,la caja y los TOMS(las alpargatas) captaron inmediatamente mi atencion.
Aunque la parte buena de todo esto y lo que me llevo a escribir un post acerca de TOMS,es que con la compra que hizo Santiago, la compania le mando unos zapatos iguales  a un chico que anda descalzo en alguna parte del mundo.
Que maravillosa manera de sentirse bien comprando y de esta manera estar ayudando a otros!

I had seen Toms shoes around for quite a while but I never took a moment to read exactly what this company was all about.
I immediately knew I wanted to share it with my readers,and figured since I did not know the entire story,maybe some of you do not either!

Veia que todo el mundo aca usa estos zapatos (alpargatas) pero nunca me habia tomado el tiempo de averiguar de que se trataba esta compania.
Y cuando lo hice enseguida me di cuenta de que queria compartir esto con mis lectores.

A History - TOMS

 "One day without shoes". On this day, you are supposed to go a whole day without shoes to realize what it must be like for people who have to live every day without their shoes. You will soon realize you get hurt more often and you are limited to where you can go. This event also helps raise awareness. Numerous Celebrities have taken part in this day and spread the word! 

TOMS eye wear is a new line they have come out with.It is much like the shoe line however it is sunglasses and the "One for one"thing is switched up.One pair of sunglasses from TOMS will provide a child in need of eye surgery,prescription glasses and/or a sight saving surgery.

  TOMS anteojos es una nueva linea que acaba de salir.Es practicamente la misma linea que los zapatos(alpargatas)"one for one"Cuando compras un par de anteojos TOMS la compania paga una operacion de ojos  o anteojos recetados.a alguien que lo necesite.

TOMS is truly a wonderful company and I am proud to inform others about it and wear their shoes. 
I hope you learned something new and will inform others! Now go buy a pair of TOMS for the children ;)

  TOMS es una compania maravillosa y estoy muy orgullosa de informar a otros acerca de ella y de usar sus zapatos (alpargatas)
Espero que hayan aprendido algo e informen a otros!
Ahora anda y comprate unos TOMS para los chicos con necesidades ;)

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